Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jack and I, so HAPPY together!

Jack and I are blissfully happy together! We love spending time together. Doing anything, loving every moment we spend together along the way. We have so much fun. We wake up excited to begin a new day together, then go to sleep so grateful for the precious moments granted that day.
We strive constantly to improve ourselves, in hopes one fine day we will get to meet our Savior and King; to live together with our Family for all Eternity. We love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christ is the center of our love and our lives. We both feel we would be nothing without Him.
Our lives are simple, mostly uneventful to most onlookers. Although we are simple folks, one thing we do....is simply love, love, love. We are so grateful for our family! Our treasured children and grandchildren have brought us more joy than we can express in words. Our hearts are full.
Our lives are blessed. We are truly grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a blog now! It is fun to see the great pictures and hear the great stories. I can't wait to check back often and see what is new in your lives. We love you!
