Saturday, October 22, 2011

High on the Mountain Top

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity of running to the temple. The pictures above were taken with my cell phone camera on a few of my morning runs. The last mile of my running route I ran East, toward the West entrance of the temple.

I pondered on the beautiful spirit I felt literally running to the House of the Lord; a beacon

of hope, truth, peace, and joy beyond measure. I thought about the blessings temples bring to my community, my home, my personal spiritual growth. As I ran past the temple, high on the mountain top I could see two more temples in plain view across the valley from the Oquirrh Mountains; Jordan River Temple, Draper Temple. The only place in the world with three temples so close in proximity. As I pondered on the great gifts these temples bring I felt like singing a high note and thinking...blessed be the name on the most high God!

The temple is the center of my Eternal perspective. Without continued temple service I would be lost in the world, or perhaps more focused on a worldly perspective.

Pres. James E. Faust stated; "Maintaining our spiritual strength is … a daily challenge. The greatest source of that spiritual strength comes … from our temples"

I have found this statement to be profoundly true and ever present in my life.

My temple calling came as a great surprise to me. I thought you must advise your Bishop of your desire to be a temple worker and so the calling came. Not so for Jack and I. In fact when we received a call from the temple office for an appt. with the temple Presidency, I thought I would be supporting Jack in a temple calling. I was shocked to have a calling extended to me too. As we sat across the desk of the Temple President's 1st Counselor extending to us a Friday, midday shift I knew Heavenly Father had work for me to do. Although I wondered how this would work in my schedule as I was working full time hours, we accepted in faith the call to serve in the temple. I marvel at the events which transpired the following week at my office. Our firm's work load had slowed down and the Principal was looking for ways to cut expenses. A few of the employees suggested cutting back to a four day work week and the principal agreed Friday would be the day and so the Lord opened the way for me to work in the temple.

I have had many priceless experiences in the temple and have felt the spirit pour out to me great treasures of love and knowledge which I am eternally grateful for.

I love to run to the temple, I know I will find my Savior there. As a child of God I've learned this truth...."A Family is Forever"!