Monday, May 30, 2011

Pondering on the drive to attain perfection

Perfectionism.....some say perfectionism has gotten a bad rap. Others claim it's drive in pursuit of, is the main cause for anorexia among other distressing disease. It occurs to me what matters most is; what I, as an individual person perceives it to be and how it affects my life. Perhaps it is the source of negative behavior patterns. Undoubtedly in my case; has been a primary factor for low self esteem/self worth. How then can a person overcome the drive and the painful affects of trying to achieve perfection? I have determined a few answers for myself.
1.) Awareness.
2.) No judgement or blame.
3.) Accountability.
4.) Kindness.
5.) Forgiveness.

Awareness: Anything we are interested in changing requires simple awareness. Just noticing I have this drive to achieve perfection. My perception/definition of perfectionism is to constantly strive for or beyond excellence, extraordinary, or greatness.

No judgement or blame: I do not need to figure out, or really even completely understand why I run this pattern of behavior. I just do. That is a positive approach to change. I believe it's a waste of energy, time and all resources to blame or judge it. It simply is a pattern I run. Perhaps it is a learned behavior. It doesn't really matter to me why I run this or where I got it. Blame, judgement is where we get stuck and unable to move forward in life.

Accountability: I run this pattern of behavior; it doesn't serve me, it's a negative, self defeating pattern. I am now conscious of this and I want to change
this pattern to a positive pattern that serves me. I realize that it's negative because I feel unaccepted, not good enough and low self esteem/image of myself.
I simply say; "What do I want instead".

Kindness: I choose to be kind and patient with myself while striving to change this behavior pattern. Change is not only possible, but always achievable as I include my Savior in my process of change.

Forgiveness: I choose to forgive myself when I fall short. Often I have noticed my unwillingness to forgive myself because; I was not a "perfect example", was not "perfectly patient" in all situations, or did not express myself with "perfect understanding or kindness". Doing my best is good enough for my Heavenly Father and it can be good enough for me, if I let it be. That is not to say I will not strive with all my might to be my very best; just realizing perfect is not attainable in all things. Some things, perhaps even many things but not all things....yet.

I will trust in the Lord to guide me to sources of wisdom, experience and knowledge that will assist me in my journey on Earth to be the best person I can be, the person I want to be. Which be like My Savior. What a blessing it is to have His example to follow. His love and support to guide me. His atonement to cleanse me when I make mistakes.
President Uchtdorf said: "The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ultimate formula for happiness and success" I know this is true. In the Lord, Jesus Christ, I can do all things.
What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to be on Earth at this amazing time; to learn, to grow, to improve ourselves and strengthen our testimonies of the one true and living God whom created all man, who loves us individually and has passed through all sorrow and suffering that we may not bear more than we have strength to bear. I owe everything to Jesus Christ, my brother, by best friend, my exemplar, my Savior.

Blessed me the name of the most high God, forever and ever!

May we all experience peace, happiness, love and success on our journey together on Earth.

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